Ethical Policy:
1. The journal is committed for the publication of original quality articles, research papers, policy paper, reviews and case studies and it does not charge any publication fee at any stage.
2. The article/ research paper/policy paper/ review/case study received for publication will be sent to the review board for the review as per the policy of the journal. The editorial board, after receiving the review report from the review board shall process it further. Acceptance/ Rejection/ Modification etc, shall be communicated accordingly. If any changes/ modifications are suggested by the review board, the editorial board will send back the feedback to the corresponding author only. After due changes/ modifications as suggested by the review board, the author/authors may resend the paper which will be again sent to the review board.
3. After receiving the recommendation from the review board for the publication, the editorial board will send the acceptance letter to the corresponding author.
4. The Article/Research paper/Policy paper/ Review/ Case study rejected by the review board of VEETHIKA will not be entertained for publication at any cost.
5. Papers submitted for publication should be solely original and unpublished work of author/s as per the ethical/ legal policy of the journal.
6. The contributor/s authorize/s to VEETHIKA journal for sending their article/ research paper/policy paper/ review/case study to Google Scholar/Academia/ Indexing agency for citations and other academic purposes.
7. All individuals listed as author or co-authors must made substantial contributions and approve the final version of the Article/Research paper/ Policy paper/ Review/ Case study to be published.
8. The first author/ co-author/ corresponding author/mentor/supervisor must indicate his/her capacity/role in the article/ research paper/ policy paper/ review/ case study.
9. The corresponding author must provide a covering letter along with the declaration certificate regarding plagiarism and originality of the work.
10. The corresponding author must confirm that the author list is complete, that all co-authors have agreed to be included in the author list, and that all co-authors have read and agreed to the policy of the journal.
11. The contribution of other individuals/organizations/funding agencies or sources should be recognized as per the law.
12. Author/s will be responsible for any copyright clearance, factual inaccuracies and opinion expressed in the paper.
13. Corresponding author should write “Conflict of Interest Statement”. Author/s must disclose all conflicts of interest in the covering letter for consideration by the Journal.
14. After getting the manuscript, the acknowledgement will be sent to the corresponding author through email which does not guarantee for publication.
15. The views expressed in the articles/research papers are the views of author/authors. It is not essential for editorial board members to be in agreement or disagreement. The sole responsibilities of the views expressed in article/paper are of the author/authors.
16. The journal provides membership at a very nominal cost for getting a hard copy of the journal.
17. All the decisions regarding Membership/ Members of Advisory board, Editorial board, Review board, Referee shall rest with Editor-in-Chief.
Publication Policy:
v Manuscript Submission Guidelines
A. Paper Setup:
· Paper Setup must be in A4 size with Margin: Top1.2”, Bottom1.2”, Left0.09”, 0.09”. Paper must be in two Columns after the Title.
· Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the A4 size paper with Margin: Top1.2”, Bottom1.2”, Left 0.09”, Right 0.09”.
· Paper must be typed in two Columns after the Title and author details. Footnote and endnote should be written in the reference section not in the main body of the paper.
· Maximum length of the Article/Research paper/Policy paper/ Review/ Case study should not exceed 3000 words excluding an abstract of maximum 500 words.
· All diagrams, figures and tables should be in black and white only.
B. Author/s Name and Affiliation Details:
· Author/s name with the institutional affiliation details must be in the Font Size 12, Bold, at the right side below the paper title. Please write Author/s-email and address (Affiliation Details) clearly.
C. Abstract and Keywords
Abstract should contain brief background/introduction, method, major finding/ issues discussed in article/paper with the key words. Abstract should be Italic and in single column and Keywords must be in the Font Size 12, Bold.
C. Font Name and Size:
· For English: Font Name Times New Roman, FontSize12,Line Spacing 1.15, EXCEPT Abstract, Keywords (Index Term), Paper Tile, References. PaperTitlemustbeinFontSize 14, Bold.
All main Heading must be bold, Centre,and Numeric (1, 2, 3…etc), All Sub-heading must be in Title Case and Alphabet Numbering (A, B, C…etc), with Single Line Spacing.
· For Hindi: FontName Krutidev010, Font Size 14, Line Spacing 1.15, EXCEPT Abstract, Keywords (Index Term), Paper Tile, References. Paper Title must be in Font Size 16, Bold.Abstract and Keywords(IndexTerm) must be in Font Size 14, Italic. Abstract should be in
D. Referencing :
· Proper biographical references must be given alphabetically in APA style at the end of the text or the following format may be used-
For Example:
For Journal Articles/ Papers:
Single Author:
· Coleman, J. S. (1988). Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. American Journal of Sociology, 94, S95–S120.
· Picou, J. S. (1978). Race, Athletic Achievement, and Educational Aspiration. The Sociological Quarterly, 19(3), 429–438.
· Singh, S. (2013). Political Actions and Sports Policy. Economic and Political Weekly, 48(34), 20–22.
Two Authors:
· Chaoul, M. A., & Cohen, L. (2010). Rethinking Yoga and The Application of Yoga in Modern Medicine. CrossCurrents, 60(2), 144–167.
· Inglehart, R., & Baker, W. E. (2000). Modernization, Cultural Change, and the Persistence of Traditional Values. American Sociological Review, 65(1), 19–51.
· Slocum, W. L., & Stone, C. L. (1963). Family Culture Patterns and Delinquent-Type Behavior. Marriage and Family Living, 25(2), 202–208.
More than two authors:
· Sewell, W. H., Haller, A. O., & Straus, M. A. (1957). Social Status and Educational and Occupational Aspiration. American Sociological Review, 22(1), 67–73.
· Bragger, J. D., Rodriguez-Srednicki, O., Kutcher, E. J., Indovino, L., & Rosner, E. (2005). Work-Family Conflict, Work-Family Culture, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Teachers. Journal of Business and Psychology, 20(2), 303–324.
· Cockerham, W. C., Kunz, G., & Lueschen, G. (1988). Social Stratification and Health Lifestyles in Two Systems of Health Care Delivery: A Comparison of the United States and West Germany. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 29(2), 113–126.
For Book Chapters:
· Schroeder, R. (2018). The internet in everyday life I: sociability. In Social Theory after the Internet: Media, Technology, and Globalization (pp. 82–100). UCL Press.
· Schnell, P. (2014). Behind the Scenes: The Family Examined. In Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks: Cross-national Perspectives (pp. 89–118). Amsterdam University Press.
For Research Reports:
· World Health Organization. (2017). EMERGENCY RISK MANAGEMENT FOR HEALTH. In Pandemic Influenza Risk Management: A WHO guide to inform and harmonize national and international pandemic preparedness and response (pp. 17–25). World Health Organization.
· Agarwal, A., & Narain, S. (1999). MAKING WATER MANAGEMENT EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS: WATER HARVESTING AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA. International Institute for Environment and Development. resrep01729
v Declaration Certificate:
(To be submitted by the corresponding author/s)
I/ We …………………………the sole author/corresponding author/ co-author/s of the article/ research paper/policy paper/ review/case study entitled……………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
………………………………………………………………………………………………………hereby declare that-
1. I/We take the responsibility of the content and material of this article/ research paper/policy paper/ review/case study as this is my/our original and genuine work and no part of it or its similar version is published or has been sent for publication anywhere else.
2. The article/research paper is original and own work of the author (i.e.- there is no plagiarism). No ideas, processes, results or words of others have been presented as author/s’s own work.
3. I/We have read the manuscript carefully and hereby give consent to publish in your journal.
Signature of corresponding author/authors
Name, Designation, address, Mob. No., email of all the author/authors.