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1)Submission of the paper

Author(s)cansendpaperinthegivenemailaddressoftheJournal. veethikalko@gmail.com

2)Plagiarism Check

Good quality plagiarism software/tool will beused to check similarity that would not be more than 10%includingreferencesection.

3) QualityCheck

All submitted papers should be cutting-edge, result-oriented, original papers and under the scope of the journal.

In the paper title, there should not be these words: Overview/brief/Introduction, Review, Casestudy/Study, Survey, Approach, Comparative, Analysis, and Comparative Investigation.

4) Paper Submission Criteria

The authors of the accepted manuscripts will be given a copyright form and the form should accompany your final submission. It is noted that:

  1. Each author’s detail i.e.; Name, designation, email id, mobile number (WhatsApp number), and institute name has been included in the final paper.
  2. The final paper is prepared as per journal the template.
  3. The contents of the paper are fine and satisfactory.Author(s) can make rectification in the final paper but after the final submission to a journal, rectification is not possible.
  4. Word Limit for a full paper (English or Hindi) should be within 2000 to 2500words.


Review Criteria

This journal uses a double-blind review process, which means that both the reviewer (s) and author (s) identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice-versa, throughout the review process. All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by three reviewers. The review report and acceptance will be sent after review. In the case of failure, the papers will be declined from the database of journals and publishing.

*Correspondence Author

FirstAuthorName*,his/herdepartment,NameoftheaffiliatedCollegeorUniversity/Industry,City, Pin code, Country.Email:xyz1@blueeyesintlligence.org